“Work out what you are passionate about and what you really want to do, then hit it hard!”


Andrew has been a busy man since graduating in 2011. He has worked in the film industry as a Hard Surface Modeller for 3 years. He started his career in London at MPC ( The Moving Picture Company ) and currently lives in Vancouver working for Industrial Light & Magic, A part of Lucasfilm and Disney.


How did you first get into hard surface modelling?

I was first exposed to 3D during my Diploma program but it didn’t really click until my Advanced Diploma year when i really decided to focus on 3D. After i graduated i took a year off to really refine my skills specifically as a hard surface modeller. I have always been very interested in machinery and aircraft etc. When i finally got in to the industry i knew exactly what i wanted to do and really pushed it until i became the “spaceship guy” in my studio.


What project are you most proud of?

I am quite proud of most of the work i have done but i would have to say my first film, Guardians of the Galaxy. It was the film that set up my career and got me to where i am today. I have never worked harder than i did on that show in my life. After the ridiculous amounts of hours and stress, getting to see my work on the screen and my name in the credits for the first time is an experience i will never forget. It proved the struggle it took to get in to the film industry was worth it.


Advice for TAFE’s current students?

Work out what you are passionate about and what you really want to do, then hit it hard! If you really want to do something, you simply just have to decide thats what you are going to do and then push and push until you reach it. RealiSe it’s not easy to do this and there will be lots of sacrifice, frustration and failure. However if you work hard enough, you will be surprised where you can end up.


What is Perth design in need of most?

As far as film goes, it doesn’t even exist in Perth which is why I had to leave. Australia in general is quite limiting as far as VFX studios go.


In terms of finding your first job after graduating, what worked best for you?

I would have to say my mindset was and still is the key to getting a job and pushing forward.

After i spent a year self teaching and making a folio i applied to 90 studios around the world and heard nothing back, so i re did my folio in 3 months and sent my stuff to 130 this time and still heard nothing back. That wasn’t going to stop me though, so i booked a flight to London with no Job, accommodation, had never even lived out of home before and didn’t know anyone there. My original plan was to just find some bar work and literally knock on the doors of the studios until i got in. Fortunately i got in contact with a guy i had emailed a year earlier in the industry who agreed to catch up and brought a friend with him to Lunch. She worked in HR at MPC and asked if i wanted to be a runner (cleans kitchens and serves clients coffee), an opportunity i jumped at even though the pay was pretty much nothing in London.

I was in MPC now but was still not an artist yet. I went to the head of modelling expressing that one day i would like to become a modeller. He however told me that all of the junior work was outsourced now and that they could never hire me as a junior. I wasnt going to take no for an answer so i would clean the kitchens for 8 hours and after my running shifts, sit in the Modelling room in my spare time doing personal work and talking to the artists. After 3 months of this they decided ok they will give me a shot.

This is only a small part of the story but i continued on with my intensity of going after exactly what i wanted throughout my career. Now i am getting to do the tasks on the films i want to work on.


His website and movie credits will make you weep.

OMG – Check out his reel