“Make connections. Go to AGDA events… Invest money into these things because they will pay off!”
Tell us a little about your experiences since. Where have you worked? Where do you work now?
After my graduation I found a job at a PR and branding agency where I worked for a year. It was very eye-opening to have that first industry experience and learning how the industry. Although TAFE prepares you extremely well for the industry, some things can only be learnt through industry experience.
All throughout this experience, I have continued to work on my personal projects at Ardumas Design where I continue to create experimental graphics, branding and illustrations.
How did you get your first graphic design job?
My first job was through a recommendation of a teacher at TAFE. It is very important to respect your teachers. You may not necessarily agree with them all the time but do not devalue their experiences or dismiss them. Keep your ego in check and be nice to them and you never know who will come out and support you.
What advice would you give to Graphic Design students studying at NM TAFE right now?
- Enjoy your assessments!! Real world assessments can be really dry and boring. TAFE gives you fun briefs that are godsend in the industry.
- Be respectful to your peers and teachers. The Perth design community is not that huge and you don't want to be known as a dick.
- Make connections!! Go to AGDA events!! Do the portfolio review and mentorship experience. Invest money into these things because they will pay off!!
What is post-pandemic Perth design in need of most?
I am not too sure about this but I have always valued face-to-face learning. There is something different about learning in front of someone. You absorb knowledge differently. It's almost like osmosis.
What do you think are the most important qualities in a graphic designer?
You need to be hard-working and also willing to learn all the time. Your learning does not end once you finish TAFE. Imagine yourself to be a lifelong student. It will help you from becoming stagnant and cocky!
Please list some awesome new developments happening right now in the design industry.
Im not sure how AI is going to play out but using AI to generate concepts is something I have practiced. There are obviously more uses of AI past that.
Any further comments that may assist with our course and curriculum development?
More emphasis on image manipulation techniques!!