“Cultivate your creativity.”


Tell us a little about your experiences since. Where have you worked? Where do you work now?

I was working at Nude design studio in Perth for 3 years, moved to Berlin in 2015, was working for king kong magazine as design director, after that worked at Infarm as their in house graphic designer. now Im freelancing graphic design job, making ceramic and looking for job at the same time.
Since my graduation already 10 years, I felt like what I’ve learnt that time, there are new programs and different aesthetic, if I have time to do so I want to update my design skill, just to be up to date with what the new genz been learning


What is post-pandemic Perth design in need of most?

In a post-COVID world, design needs to be able to roll with the punches. Things change so fast, you gotta be able to adapt to whatever new needs come up.

Also, people are really paying attention to how their surroundings affect their health and well-being now. So, designers should focus on making spaces that feel good to be in, with lots of natural light, greenery, and clean air.


What advice would you give to Graphic Design students studying at NM TAFE right now?

- Develop a strong foundation in design principles
- Keep up with industry trends and technology
- Up to date portfolio
- Cultivate your creativity


In terms of finding your first job after graduating, what worked best for you?

it was so long ago, I think was from job seeking website.

What do you think are the most important qualities in a graphic designer?

Creativity, time management, communication skill, technical skill, attention to details, your signature style